Brown Creeper

November 30, 2015 - The Chicago area is a winter home for brown creepers. Streaked brown above, they blend into the large tree trunks as the...
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White-breasted Nuthatch

November 29, 2015 - Despite the 45F temperature there were a lot of players at the disc golf course, driving the birds elsewhere. Was pretty...
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November 28, 2015 - I met Isabella and her owner at the Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve dog park in Naperville. 'Bella is a six year old...
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Molting Cedar Waxwing

November 27, 2015 - About 30 cedar waxwings were sitting at the top of a tree by Eagle Ridge disc golf hole #12. Cedar waxwings are normally...
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U.S National Bird for the Day

November 26, 2015 - Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. This is today's U.S. national bird, the Thanksgiving turkey. This one is a fresh...
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Northern Cardinal (male)

November 25, 2015 - In this particular location cardinals travel deep in the brush where it's hard to get a photo without sticks and vines i...
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November 24, 2015 - Wrigley is a German shorthaired pointer, and this photo was captured at the Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve dog park...
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November 23, 2015 - A group was playing around practicing "squinching" their eyes after shooting pictures for Christmas use. This was one of...
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Red-bellied Woodpecker (male)

November 22, 2015 - The red-bellied woodpecker has a reddish blush on it's belly that we usually don't see when the body of the bird is up a...
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First Snow

November 21, 2015 - "What Happened?" asks the American goldfinch. "It's all white in my woods." Northern Illinois experienced the first snow...
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Downy Woodpecker (male)

November 20, 2015 - A male downy woodpecker (red spot on back of head = male) has a determined look when feeding. The male tends to feed on...
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Buteo Jamaicensis

November 19, 2015 - This red-tailed hawk was sitting on a tree on the west side of the Fox River just north of the pedestrian bridge at Viol...
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Pine Siskin

November 18, 2015 - At the request of Diane M: a bird picture! It is not exactly a perfect day for outdoor pics,. It's cloudy but not rainin...
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November 17, 2015 - Went outside in the wind and rain to take pictures, but was unhappy with the results. So I'm taking the time-honored eas...
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Last bits of fall color

November 16, 2015 - Minimal sunshine is forecast today, so took the camera out on the morning dog walk as I could see there would be a 20-30...
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American Tree Sparrow

November 15, 2015 - There are so many kinds of sparrows! 35 or more species live in North America, and 15 are found in most of North America...
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Yummy Walnut

November 14, 2015 - At Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve, Naperville, Illinois.
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Downy Woodpecker

November 13, 2015 - Downy Woodpecker - this morning I sought a place where there would be protection from cold winds, and headed to the wood...
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Willowbrook Wildlife Center

November 12, 2015 - This windy, cold, gray morning we traveled 25 miles/40 km for an appointment near where we formerly lived. While driving...
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November 11, 2015 - After consulting my bird book, the internet, and noting other birds accompanying this one, I believe this is an immature...
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Dark-eyed Junco

November 10, 2015 - Dark-eyed juncos started arriving to spend the winter in the Chicago area 2-3 weeks ago, migrating from their Canada/nor...
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Mute Swan

November 09, 2015 - One of six mute swans at Lake Bartlett near my home is featured. I've not seen swans at this lake in the past, and I per...
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Bye Bye Birdie

November 08, 2015 - It was slim pickings for bird species at the wetland this afternoon, with only a paltry number of Canada geese, six spec...
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Red-tailed Hawk Takes Wing

November 07, 2015 - Late in the afternoon two red-tailed hawks were free-wheeling high over the east side of the Prescott Mill wetland. As I...
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November 06, 2015 - My dearest Summer, wherefore hast thou gone, And left me in this dreary world alone? Thy form is here indeed --a lovel...
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November 05, 2015 - Marcus - 2nd annual playground photoshoot. Another 72 F/22.2 C stunner of a November day in Chicagoland!
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White-crowned Sparrow

November 04, 2015 - Summer breeding grounds for the white-crowned sparrow are in Canada and Alaska. It winters throughout much of the U.S. I...
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Ring-necked Duck

November 03, 2015 - The ring-necked ducks were w-a-a-a-y out there as usual, so had to generously crop for a better view. As I was taking a...
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American Black Duck

November 02, 2015 - A 72 F/22.2 C day on November 2, with another 2-3 days like this following. Beautiful! In identifying different duck...
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Cyclocross Racing

November 01, 2015 - Daughter Laura's boyfriend Thomas is captured emerging from the woods portion of a Chicago Cross Cup amateur cyclocross...
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