2 Cute

May 31, 2015 - 2 Cute....and h oodies don't lie.
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Photograph what's available

May 30, 2015 - Today a lot of rain was available, so instead of crying about it I used it!
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May 29, 2015 - By the powers no one invested in us, we officially welcomed Hsiang-jen Yen into retirement at his party today. Friend an...
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House Wren

May 28, 2015 - This diminutive 0.4 oz/11g bird is a great singer. It's musical with a bubbling and cascading song. The song is loud, an...
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Spotted Sandpiper flyby

May 27, 2015 - Caught the angle just right for an incredibly blue reflection off the sky. The water in this pond is clear with a slight...
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Illinois Farmland

May 26, 2015 - The purpose of this photo is to show farmland in the midwestern U.S. South of town this farmland goes on for hundreds of...
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U.S. Memorial Day 2015

May 25, 2015 - Today we remember the people who died while serving in our armed forces. We respect and commemorate our veterans who gav...
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His Eye is on the Sparrow

May 24, 2015 - We had a short break in today's rain, and just after I walked out the front door with camera in hand a chipping sparrow...
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Spotted Sandpiper

May 23, 2015 - The bird of the day is the spotted sandpiper. This bird is the most widespread sandpiper in North America. It's small an...
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Week old robins

May 22, 2015 - Robins built a nest in a fern hanging on the neighbor's front porch. Three chicks hatched a week ago, and within another...
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American Robin snags dinner

May 21, 2015 - I will have to quit taking photos when others are eating...
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Breakfast with Mr. Squirrel

May 20, 2015 - Mr. Squirrel unconcernedly ate his breakfast walnut as I watched. He only shared the walnut shell with me, throwing it d...
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Common Yellowthroat

May 19, 2015 - After helping move mulch at someone's house, took a zigzag path home looking for a bird to photograph. Hoping to see a p...
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Fishing buddy

May 18, 2015 - Bird blip binge continues with a photo of a great egret walking the shallows of the pond by our clubhouse. Breeding plum...
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Bird Blip Binge

May 17, 2015 - Bird blip binge begets blackbird. Male red-winged blackbird.
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Just Ducky

May 16, 2015 - 10 little ducklings Scouted the creek on bicycle late yesterday and spotted the ducklings. Stopped at the creek befor...
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Goslings Galore

May 15, 2015 - Drove to the Redbox to rent a DVD and was semi-trapped by road construction, so went with traffic flow and drove to the...
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The Fisherman

May 14, 2015 - Dear Great Blue Heron: Hey, you are fishing in my favorite fishing pond. Remember it's a catch and release pond, and you...
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Great Egret

May 13, 2015 - Egrets in this area normally won't let you get within 75 yards before flying away. This egret either did not see me on t...
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Baby picture

May 12, 2015 - I've noticed how y'all like baby pictures. This picture was tightly cropped for a better close up of eight goslings. The...
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Female Red-winged Blackbird

May 11, 2015 - This photo was picked over other candidates because the background color complemented the bird so nicely! After overc...
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Not a duck!

May 09, 2015 - All that floats is not a duck. The American Coot looks like a duck when swimming, but on land is more chicken-like. They...
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Gardener's Dream

May 08, 2015 - Nightmare or bad dream, that is. An invading army of dandelions are occupying about 3/4 acre east and behind us, and we...
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May 07, 2015 - Killdeer are common on grassy fields and shores. This killdeer has both, as it lives by a creek, three ponds, and undeve...
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Be instant in season

May 06, 2015 - Scarlet Tanager! Although we live well within their range, I don't recall ever seeing one of these birds and neither doe...
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Soft and dreamy

May 05, 2015 - Pink crabapple tree flowers
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Crabapple blossoms

May 03, 2015 - White flower petals were blown off the trees by the wind and were flying about like a snowstorm today. It was spectacula...
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Tree Swallow

May 02, 2015 - After four hours of yard work at the church, stopped off at nearby Spring Lake Park for what I hoped was a quick blip be...
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Lily of the Valley

May 01, 2015 - This is a sweet scented but highly poisonous plant. Other names include May lily, May bells, and muguet. The scientific...
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Derelict Barn

May 01, 2015 - Enough of the pretty Spring flower pictures! I took a load of those this morning, but you don't get to see them! Today's...
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