You Have What You Say

August 31, 2015 - This morning as I was leaving the the house I remarked, "I'd like to get a picture of a swimming double-crested cormoran...
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August 30, 2015 - Before, during, and after triptych of Curtis' full immersion baptism by Pastor Jeff Miller. This is a public commitment...
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Old Reliable

August 29, 2015 - The day is cloudy and dark. It started raining hard, and I wrapped my camera in my shirt to protect it. There were not m...
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Lesser Yellowlegs

August 27, 2015 - A group of four lesser yellowlegs were feeding in the flats. This bird is a shorebird related to the sandpiper, and it e...
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Bee Proboscis

August 26, 2015 - Today's nature lesson is about the bee's proboscis (tongue). Bumblebees have a long hairy/feathery tongue which can reac...
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Northern Paper Wasp

August 25, 2015 - Paper wasps are the "guests" that build small open cell paper nests under your eaves, deck rails, and other protected ar...
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Four-toothed Mason Wasp

August 24, 2015 - The four-toothed mason wasp is a new one on me. Saw it in the same place I have been doing the bird/bug/flower hike in t...
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Shoot for the Moon

August 23, 2015 - Did not get a photo earlier today, forcing me to shoot for the moon!
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Anti-Abortion Demonstration

August 22, 2015 - Choose life! Outrage over recent videos about Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies and body parts has energized and...
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Scrupulously Vegetarian

August 21, 2015 - American goldfinches are scrupulously vegetarian with an almost all seed diet. They don't breed until June or July, wait...
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Goldenrod Soldier Beetle

August 20, 2015 - Goldenrod soldier beetle is pictured, and it's also known as Pennsylvania leatherwing beetle. This type of beetle is 9-1...
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Birdsfoot Trefoil Flower

August 19, 2015 - The birdsfoot trefoil flower is dainty, roughly 0.5 inch/13mm in size. Birdsfoot trefoil is a legume introduced to th...
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Off to Work

August 18, 2015 - After preening it's feathers while standing on the muskrat den, the great blue heron decides it's time to fill it's bell...
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Gobbling Goldfinch

August 17, 2015 - I am partial to American goldfinch photos, and have blipped goldfinches multiple times. They are not easy to approach, b...
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Foggy Morning

August 16, 2015 - Soybean fields in foreground, power and telephone lines running along Douglas Road, and silos/farm buildings and trees f...
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Bright Spot

August 15, 2015 - It's mid-August and many of the wildflowers have dried up and gone to seed. However, there remain a few bright spots in...
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Lost My Swimmin' Hole

August 14, 2015 - The muskrat is foraging for food in the dry creek bed, as we've not had much rain for 3-4 weeks and the shallow creek wh...
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Almost full frame

August 13, 2015 - Crouched down in the tall grass as the great egret was flying toward me. It did not see me or swerve away, and as a resu...
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American Goldfinch (female)

August 12, 2015 - The female goldfinch has more olive green in the body, and is less brightly colored than the summer bright lemon yellow...
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Singing Sparrow

August 11, 2015 - This sparrow photo is Josiah's pick. He thought a flying duck photo I took this morning looked fake, and that the sparro...
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Juvenile Gull

August 10, 2015 - Juvenile ring-billed gull had just scooped food out of the water. It's bill has little bits of food on it. Conditions...
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August 09, 2015 - ...into the evening sun by the barn swallow.
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Green Heron 2

August 08, 2015 - This green heron has it's neck extended and thus has a more heron-like profile. Compare to the crouching green heron bli...
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Studio Light

August 07, 2015 - I don't plan on posting duck pictures often, but the lighting and pose made this the best pic of my day. I was sittin...
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Green Heron

August 06, 2015 - "Heron Central" again had a large number of herons this morning: 29 great egrets, a few great blue heron, and one green...
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Count the Heron

August 05, 2015 - Count the number of birds in the heron family in this photo. Answer will be posted on Blip and Facebook daily photo tomo...
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Bull thistle

August 04, 2015 - Bull thistle (spear thistle) is an invasive plant characterized as a noxious weed in a number of U.S. states. but I like...
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Morning Sushi

August 03, 2015 - A great egret caught and ate a small (3"-4") fish every 2-3 steps in the marsh. I watched for 25 minutes, and the egret...
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Dad and Daughter

August 02, 2015 - The family posed for pictures prior to dedicating their baby to God at church this morning, and this is dad and daughter...
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Heron in Flight

August 01, 2015 - This great blue heron was returning from one of four times it chased other herons away from it's feeding territory. It w...
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